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The lure of The Mutton and Mead, a mythical tavern...
Throughout history, the tavern was a place where the community gathered. Our “Mutton and Mead Tavern” is revered almost as an elderly relative, it is said that this tavern, the Mutton and Mead, has sat nestled in these same idyllic hills of this (fictitious) shire in England for centuries. That in part may explain the fame and love she elicits from her patrons. While the social and political landscape changed, the Mutton and Mead has not, catering to each generation of beloved patrons while staying true to what had become her legacy.
For centuries shire folk and travelers have visited this tavern and alehouse, THE MUTTON AND MEAD, be it on their way home from a hard day’s labor or to tend to their appetites whilst resting their horses before continuing on an arduous journey. The tavern plays a central role in shire life. It is a place to meet with friends, to play games, to sing, to hear the news and gossip of the day and to simply forget one’s hardships. People flock to the tavern as the sun sets behind the hills and light cascades from the tavern’s windows... luring all to where they know great victuals and grand times await them.
A Local Belief…
However ancient the Mutton and Mead may be, one thing is clear... these tavern walls have witnessed more tales than a scribe could write in a thousand books! It is this uncontested fact that helps fuel a local legend about the Mutton and Mead; the belief that if a person is to become renowned in history, chances are that they will or already have paid a visit to the Mutton and Mead. The magic engendered by the Mutton and Mead has a peculiar way of making this happen. This belief will be exploited in the years to come and as the festival evolves. I think you know why!
What are these Mutton And Mead events?
The Mutton & Mead Tavern & Inne (a fictitious/mythical tavern that comes to life every so often) to host an event. For nearly 10 years, that event was the annual Mutton and Mead Medieval Festival a Robin Hood themed event. In the summer of 2024, Mutton and Mead will be hosting a new event: The Mutton and Mead Medieval Bash: Roads to Revelry. This new event is part of the organizers’ plan for the sustainable return of larger events like the festival. You can find out more here.
Mutton and Mead aims to offer patrons an experience that is entertaining, enlightening and lively while also providing a venue to members of the local and extended community to showcase their talents as performers, educators, crafters and artisans. These events bring together theater, fun, food, and entertainment with a medieval flair. It is a day for everyone: kids, teens, and adults alike.
Are we a medieval or renaissance event?
Often when it comes to events like ours, medieval and renaissance are used interchangeable. However, each pulls its respective themes from the culture and events of two very different periods of history (either the medieval or renaissance time period, which are hundreds of years apart). Our current focus is the medieval time period, but we allow a great deal of flexibility in what our events might put forth in order to be inclusive and also to build an enjoyable experience. You will also find a lot of folk music, that is inspired by times lived long ago that help add to the feel.